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2020年8月11日 --总理贾格纳特今天在议会讲话时保证,将尽一切努力防止灾难的发生。

August 11, 2020 - Speaking to parliament today, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth gave the assurance that all is being done to prevent a catastrophe. He gave an account of measures that have been taken to date. 7 skimmers are now operating in the lagoon while 3,200 metres of boom had been deployed to restrict the spread of the oil slick. Trucks are also pumping from ashore to remove oil from the lagoon.


2020年8月11日 --总理普拉温德·贾格纳特今天在议会讲话时保证,将尽一切努力防止灾难的发生。 他介绍了迄今为止已采取的措施。 现在,泻湖中有7个撇油设备在运行,同时部署了3,200米的围油栏以防止浮油的扩散。也部署了多辆卡车从岸上抽取和清除泻湖中的燃油。


The prime minister thanked international organisations, friendly countries, NGOs, the private sector and the local community who are all assisting the salvage operations. Today, hundreds of Mauritians joined, crafting and deploying booms while others brought in food for the helpers.


总理感谢所有协助救援行动的国际组织,友好国家,非政府组织,企业单位和当地社区。 如今,成百上千的毛里求斯人加入制作和部署围油栏,其中一些人士也为志愿者们带来了食物。


This afternoon, the Commissioner of Police, Khemraj Servansing denied rumours that the bulk carrier had broken. However, he said that hull cracks are extending and that there is a real possibility for this to happen. He also stated that the salvage team continues to remove oil from the bulk carrier on barges and by helicopter. He added that he is hopeful the bulk carrier’s tanks would be emptied by tomorrow.


今天下午,警察局长Khemraj Servansing否认了散装货轮已断裂的传闻。 但是他说,船体裂缝正在扩展,并且确实有可能发生断裂风险。 他补充说,救援队继续通过接驳船和直升机从散货船上清除燃油,希望明天之前能将这艘散货船的油箱清空。

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