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August 13, 2020 -A more delicate operation is ongoing to remove the remaining hydrocarbon from the tanks of the Wakashio. The bulk carrier was emptied of most of its payload yesterday with only 150 cubic metres of hydraulic and lubricating fluid remaining. 20 Cubic metres are expected to be removed tonight and the remaining 130 cubic metres are expected to be removed by tomorrow, Friday 14 August.


2020年8月13日--为了从Wakashio的油箱中清除剩余的碳氢化合物,目前正在进行更精细的操作。 昨天,该散货船上几乎所有装载的燃油被清空,仅剩下150立方米的液压和润滑液。 预计今晚将清除20立方米,其余的130立方米预计将在8月14日(星期五)之前清除。


Cleaning and decontamination efforts are also ongoing. 22 international experts mainly from France, Japan and the United Nations are assisting local teams.


清洁和净化工作也在进行中。 主要来自法国,日本和联合国的22名国际专家正在协助当地团队进行清洁净化工作。


With the seas expected to be rough in the coming days, best efforts are being deployed to contain the spillage which is localized mainly in the south eastern region of the island. Lagoons and seashores in other parts of Mauritius are still pristine.




With most of the hydrocarbon emptied from the tanks of the Wakashio, risks of further spillage have been averted.




  • 上一篇:毛里求斯-Wakashio日本货船漏油事故8月15日更新
  • 下一篇:毛里求斯-Wakashio日本货船漏油事故8月12日更新