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No risk of further oil spillage



Pumping of the remaining diesel oil from the aft section of the MV Wakashio was completed yesterday eliminating risks of further spillage. 0n 15 August, the MV Wakashio broke into two. The aft section remained on the reef with a small quantity of diesel oil left in the engine room which was removed yesterday. Removal of other pollutants such as wood, panels and floating debris is ongoing.


昨日已完成了抽取“若潮号”船尾部分剩余的柴油,消除了进一步泄漏的风险。 8月15日,“若潮号”破裂成两半。船尾部分仍留在礁石上,少量留在机舱内的柴油,昨天已清除。目前正在清除其他污染物,如木板,甲板和漂浮的杂物。


This section of the wreck is expected to be dismantled before the start of the cyclonic season next November.




The forward section of the bulk carrier was towed and is now being sunk to a depth of 3,000 metres, 40 kilometres off the south eastern coast of Mauritius. Operations have been delayed due to bad weather conditions.


散货船的前部已被拖走,目前正在沉入距毛里求斯东南海岸40公里外的3,000米深的海底。但 由于恶劣的天气,行动被推迟。


Survey and clean-up operations of the affected lagoons and shores are ongoing, assisted by a team of international experts. Artisanal booms that were deployed through the benevolent efforts of the local community played a key role in limiting the spread of the oil slick. Foreign experts have recommended that these booms, that are now saturated, be removed and replaced by absorbent booms.




96% of Mauritian coastline remain unaffected by the oil spillage from MV Wakashio.




  • 上一篇:蓝色经济,海洋资源,渔业和运输部公告
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